tired Again

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ok, now i am exhausted .. hahaz, juz came back frm band practice. Todae the onli percussion members dat come were 2 sec 1s and one sec 3.. haiz.. i striggling to play all the other parts.. Me and khai bully WY becuz she SS ( Syiok Sendiri, my mlay frens shood kno) den we call her MS (MoleSter, cuz when she punch me, Mr Ong tot she touch my pants, HAHAHAHA) and den, we mix dem together, becum SMS (Syiok Molest Sendiri ,agen, my mlay frens shood know) lols she was so pissed off, we bully her until dimissal, im happy wif my performance todae, i did welll even by my own standards .. hahaz, but i still dunno ONE part of the song dat we are working on, HAHAHA.. ok ,i got the info. form for the band camp todae, heck .. so mani stuff.. ok dats all.. SEE?!?! i tell you, if you go to skool, got ALOT of stuff to talk about.. hahaz

"Life is but temporary. Spend one's time wisely.."

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