Wakakakakaka.. u got the old me back.. da emo post is behind me.. thx to my cuzzies and my kak angkat! ^^ love u all!!.. btw.. im still a guy aitez?
Givin' up
Hey, u know, friends are all hanging by a thread wif me now, my words sometimes ,, SOMEHOW, pierce a friend's heart, im wishing dat HE can forgive me, yea, i guess i've been reather irritating , dats why, i've been pushed to a point where im losing my sanity.One by one, i lose my frends, im losing my branches to this world,. My friends are all my branches of my tree of the world.With those branches tearing of the trees, the tree eventually withers and dies.I tink dat i will be dat tree once i've lost wad i have held dear.I ask for forgiveness, but i am rarely forgiven, however, i strive i to forgive others who have wronged me, i duno why i have such a weak heart, why i care about others too much while others dun care nor give a damn about me.Why,i ask myself, should i care at all?. Well mayb becuz i dun WAN to let go nor forget wad i hold dear. Its as if i've been transported to a distant land, away from communication with the world. Im alone and have lost what i've been hoping to last through my whole life. With the move frm sec 1 to sec 2, losing frends is the last thing i would want.But still , dat is exactly wad is happening in my life.I am hoping for some light at the end of this dark tunnel, but alas that is never going to happen to such a person like me.All the wrongdoings dat i have done.I am beginning to hate myself,for wad i've become, a sad young boy devoid of frends. At every turn, i am dejected,forgotten and wiped off the the memories of those i thought to have been my frends. Why, shood this happen to me? well, maybe i am the weakest boy on earth, crying over spilt milk. How stupid is dat? I've tried, more than a dozen times, to talk to those i have wronged,yet forgiveness is but a century away.But , i will still stay on this world for the sake of staying, I now have no goal in life now that i am alone,and by no means happy.All that is left now are memories,memories that seem to have been made a long time ago,never to return to me.Happy,sad ,and angry memories flash through my head, with each memory killing my body,slowly but surely, to oblivion.Again i say, whats the use of crying? its not going to solve anything. WHY is nobody talking to me? WHY izzit that i am pushed away?WHY do i have to endure such suffering.It is,by all means, worse than death at times.however, i do not plan to leave this beautiful world yet, for i still have but a beating heart,a heart which keeps hoping,even when the rest of my body has given up.It keeps pumping valiantly,keeping me alive.I now appreciate, skin, bone, and beating heart, for these and the things that have helped me experienced the best of this earth.yet still, my soul is in torture,i may still be alive, yet i am dieing in the inside.having said all this,why dont u look at me.A stupid little boy who keeps hoping,just hoping, that something will happen,yet that chance is never possible to be achieved nor fulfilled.why then does that boy keeps hoping? it is because that little boy does not want to be gone.. does not want to be forgotten... and is still hoping thateverything will turn out fine. Yet still, what is hope when there is darkness ahead , more thick than hope, thicker than the darkest night.it will swallow all of this boy's hope and he will be left with nothing.My family is torn apart by secrets and lies,my friendships are torn apart by none less than the meanest mistakes. My heart,though pumping valiantly,torn apart to watch all of this happen right before my eyes.I have drawn much regret from the truth of of my being.
this feeling,it gnaws on my insides and burns my soul,i have to keep it inside,for there is nothing more i can do.Life as i know it, will change forver, never to be able to return again to wad i wished for.All i await for now, is the forgiveness i seek,that shall take an eternity,yet still,I shall wait through that eternity,to receive that forgiveness i have long sought after.I end this post with this:Forgive me. Forgive all my wrongdoings.Forgive me and forget the wretched past , and let us look to the future, where a possibly brighter day shall come. Until then, i give up on love,yet still cling on to friendship.
I was watching a crystal clear dream,an eternity so tender.
A faint voice like the wind
Is calling for me from high up in the sky
If we fly off,we can go anywhere
If a fragment from the future
Can be seen between the joined hands,
Then in the light,everything,words and thoughts,
sway back and forth.
I'll be sure to pass them to you,in the distance
without leaving anything behind...
;) there i go agen ;)
Since there will be nothing to post about.. poems onli until skool reopens or until i get something to post abt ;)
I play "thank you" over and over again,
even when we are far away from each other,
I walked while the wind blew upon me,
in the crowd of people walking past me,
Here i met your gentle self,
and i shall say to you
"I don't want to leave you"
You were also there on lonely nights,
I'll promise you this : "I'll become strong just for you"
Because our joined hearts are one.
And with that in mind we can fly....
And so,
I play "thank you" over and over again,
even when we are far away from each other,
Let's wave saying "goodbye"
and meet here again
Becuz i want to meet you again..
Im a lil' bored and a lil' lazy to post.. so i think i'll juz give a poem from my desktop lolz
To send my feelings of "thank you" to the infinitely distant sky,
I spread both my arms and laugh,
This small,fragile piece of life is held by you and me,
The true light increases the brightness,
The darkness fades,and your heart lights the future
Let's make a promise:
Here, I will live,
I like the way things are.
Let's gaze at that pure whiteness,
My thoughts will someday reach my destiny
and I will discover my infinite strength.
I seek the truth,
even if I am stricken with grief,
And even during the nights when I feel I may lose,
an impulse is born inside a quiet moment,
Now determined, your heart will change everything
Let's make a promise :
Here, I will live,
I like the way things are
Let's gaze at that pure whiteness
My thoughts will someday reach my destiny
and I will discover my infinite strength.
In the infinitely distant sky...
I juz came back frm a dam tiring day.. from early morning till now cannot touch com.. l0lz.. we went to the new terminal 3 at the changi airport and its okay la.. not bad, rather big.. the tour took one hour sia.. then went east coast go cycle.. den go eat,. den go home.. i lazy to go in through deatil.. 8 dec got park performance at the pasir panjang area there .. come if you can.. lolz
"Use your past, to create your future"
I very slow and JUZ started having friendster.. add me http://friendster.com/flirtoirf
harlo.. todae i got band.. we play 2 songs todae.. Ross Roy and Satiric dances.. both songs are gay i tell u.. We mostly played Ross Roy.. had fun lah todae.. and den during practice.. Kelvin rub 2 mallet sticks together.. then chuan kui smell smoke.. at first we dun believe.. den we smell it ourselves.. Kelvin continue doing it den he shout.. DUN LARH!! LATER GOT BIG FIRE!!" siau rite de guy.. haiz.. altho the smoke smell is really strong.. how many hours oso it still lasts.. Friday band cancelled .. 2moro go chun ting house.. haiz.. tiring siah.. lolz.. i hope to haf alot of fun tonite.. now waiting for my god sis online....
"You are the apple of my eye ;)"
Spent half an hour crying todae.. arnd there la.. hehs.. now eyes red.. pain liao.. lolz.. Todae i got my Vitagen todae ;) lolz// drink LA!!.. den whole day at the comp
After dat the sad part... den noww.. lolz
"The Flame of my love towards you can never be extinguished."
End(beginning?) of the week is todae.. i hard a rather relaxing week.. and hope to not experience it agen..who can??!?! todae ive been infront of comp the whole day and very bored.. i've gotten veri veri unfit.. i wan go jogging.. but too lazy.. hahaz.. ok .. parents home liao.. another post.. another day..
"Parents home = off comp"
Open House... lolz.. todae was no so tiring so i got energy to spare..lolz .. We played for practiacally no audience.. but wad Mr Ong say?? ouh ya, TEST OUR INTEGRITY IN MUSIC.. lolz.. after dat afew frends and me go CHUN TING HOUSE.. AND I WAS LIKE.. WOW.. WOW.. lolz four floors nia... floor was so smooth i fall down 3 times.. now butt pain.. ice skating oredy pain now more pain .. lolz.. my cough still not getting better.. so really.. i hope to recover b4 the holidayess..
"Falling in love is easy.The challenge is staying in love"
getting ready
todae i was juz getting getting ready for 2moro's open house.. tho i doubt any ppl will come at all.. i witnessed my primary skool's PSLE result presentation and i was rather dissappointed.. standards there have fallen.. but thats not for me to say =X.. i've invited many of them to come to CCKSS.. heh.. hope they will.. well i nidd my rest cya later
"Keeping track of your own time means keeping track of your life"
Yozz wazzup
?? lolz. im back from da camp
1st day:
Had to fall-in by 8 so had to wake up early,. haiz.. den had full band wid Mr Ong, and den the same thing over with Nizam... and den we had "Ice-breaking" games.. literallly.. we took some ice and den threw it at the wall.. dam fun..
Night den we had treasure hunt.. find clues and den find the item..kao.. my group was 2nd.. haiz.. by the time my group finish searching , 1st group finish bathing liao..and den it was LIGHTS OFF!!
2nd day :
Had to wake up b4 7.. altho i woke up at 5.. hahaz, and den we go for PT , not so rough one lah.. something more of morning exercise than PT.. and den we breakfast.. ICE SKATING!!!! on the way there, me and my four frendss sit at the bak make lots of noise.. wen we got there we put on our skates and got on the ice.. 1st thing i did was fall, whoah butt so cold..after dat JUN WEI,BENJAMIN,KELVIN,JONATHAN,KHAIRYLL all teach me and den i enjoyed myself for those 4 hours..Night, it was the P.O.P. night and den band had to perform.. so cool..after we play our four songs audience wan encore..den we all slack in the band room, me and benjamin switch on songs and den we dance along, ppl took video and i tink its gonna come out on youtube lolz four songs are,On the wings of eagles(march) , Mas Que Nada, Aint No Other Man,Fairytale and High school Musical.den.. LIGHTS OFF!!
3rd day(todae) :
Had to wake up at 7, but woke up late.. haiss.. luckily i wasnt late enuff dat i kana pumping.. so we had foot drills, my legs were aching(spelling?) after morning PT.. had to endure tho, my senior caught me out of shape and told me off, he dam fierce one la so i follow his orders..after fall-in, more fun ;) WE PLAY BLOCK CATCHING IN THE SCHOOL!! lolz.. seniors chase us.. we played 4 rounds, i got caught in 2 of them.. i suck at running lolz..and den me and Benj go eat at Lot 1 and here i am, in front of the computer typing like crazy. lolz.. bbye,
"Once you have weathered life's UPs and DOWNs, only then can one face the future"
2moro is my BAND CAMP!! WOOHOO!! hahaz, finally ive been waiting for it for sooo long and its finally here.. i heard we all gonna ice skating or wad ... i really dunno how to skate and i tink it will be a complete waste of time and energy.. and money too.. heck $11.60 for someting i didnt even sign up for!! walao.. dat was juz crossing the line.. wad shit was dat?!?! ok den i gotta go prepare.. see you all later
"Haf fun....while you can..."
Hello.. i was too tired yesterday to post.. and todae im going to my cuzzin house juz for the sake of it. yesterday, the band practice was ok.. and all percussionists came, so there was abit of relief, den i eat at the maly stall and there was a dance camp going on also, haha.. den i forgot.. ok haf to get redy to go to cuzzin house bb
"Drink Vitagen, It'll keep you healthy ;)"
harlo..Good morning to everyone.. i havent bneen posting for awhile cuz i really have nothing to say.. 2moro i got band tho, so i hope to have many stories for ppl reading my blog ahhahaz.. pls feel free to tag my tagboard, cuz im really starting to get borde.. hahaz ok i nid bathe, i dam smelly, cya
"Today,is today,Tomorrow,is tomorrow. Do not expect today, will be tomorrow."
Juz woke up
Hello, your frend here who hasnt bathed yet.. i juz woke uyup.. at 12!!!!! ARGH!!!! I was on the phone up till for.. like.. WOW.. talking and didnt notice the time.. den sleep like pig like dat.. aiyo...Later im gonna eat and den im gonna bathe... and SO ON!! i feel something is really gonna happen todae cuz i feel dat way everyday!! HAHHAHAHA..bb
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
*Alexis, you linked liao.. haha
Todae i had another band practice at skool.. dis time it was not as tiring as the other perc guys were there and they could play the other parts.. overall it was ok la.. though my cough DID improve slightly.. barely coughed during the session.. ok now i need to relax and drink strepsils.. haha bb
"Expect something new everyday. A monotonous life is a wasted life."
tired Again
Ok, now i am exhausted .. hahaz, juz came back frm band practice. Todae the onli percussion members dat come were 2 sec 1s and one sec 3.. haiz.. i striggling to play all the other parts.. Me and khai bully WY becuz she SS ( Syiok Sendiri, my mlay frens shood kno) den we call her MS (MoleSter, cuz when she punch me, Mr Ong tot she touch my pants, HAHAHAHA) and den, we mix dem together, becum SMS (Syiok Molest Sendiri ,agen, my mlay frens shood know) lols she was so pissed off, we bully her until dimissal, im happy wif my performance todae, i did welll even by my own standards .. hahaz, but i still dunno ONE part of the song dat we are working on, HAHAHA.. ok ,i got the info. form for the band camp todae, heck .. so mani stuff.. ok dats all.. SEE?!?! i tell you, if you go to skool, got ALOT of stuff to talk about.. hahaz
"Life is but temporary. Spend one's time wisely.."
Hahaz, i got sick todae, flu, tho its not too big of a deal though, i juz hope i can get better by todae cuz i haf to go to skool 2moro.. HAIZ.. Though i cant wait for the band camp thats gonna happen in about 2-3 weeks time?? maybe.. hahaz den now i juz surfing and juz thought i'd drop by and post.. nowadays the holidays are uneventful and theres nothing to post about, morever if youre sick and stuck at home.. Last night i experienced the most saddening thing that a person could handle.. HAHAHA i lazy to type out.. the story is too long.. hahaz
"Theres more to life when one listens to his heart"
I juz came back... heck im so tired,went to so many house and we never stop for rest at all HAHAHAHA ok,2moro den i post more... haiz.. bbye i watching video
"No Advice"
Hahaz, got a new template?? i dunno whut its called.. i tink i lost all my links, i so far found afew but if yours is not on here juz tell me hahaz, haiz. i dam bored, i lazy go jogging cuz i unfit, i tink i juz gonna eat, HAVENT BATHE HAHAHAHAHA ok larh, bb, DUN FORGET ABOUT THE LINKS
"To make someone smile is a miracle of life"
Todae i got band practice and it ruled!! it was like wow.. so cool!! i played da ENTIRE song correct.. ok.. after band i wen to fren's house go take the "kain pelekat" to go for prayers cuz i forgot to bring mine....... den after prayers i went to his house agen for a visit... wow.. his house like dam big.. YES IM TALKING TO YOU KHAI!!!!! den i played with his comp for like hours.. den we play together sum games.. YOU GOT MAD SKILLS WITH GUITAR DUDE!!! den after dat i look at the time like... oredy seven liao.. den i chiong home and here i am..... HAHAZ kk... dats all
"Give and take in life, do not be to greedy whilst not being too giving"
*Sabrina, i nid your URL to relink you , hahaz repost at tag please or contact me.. hahaz. Update*Archives a neat now
Hahaz.. im so bored im paying more attention to my phone den the comp.. SHE is msging me rite now.. and like.. im so touched.. wa.. YARH SO TOUCHED,, 2dae very uneventful.. was surfing the net entire day.. onli got one meal todae so, im starving, im gonna eat dinner soon, plus*REALLY IF YOU NID ME TO LINK YOU, JUZ FEEL FREE TO TAG!!!
"Water is precious, so please, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WASTING IT?!?!?!"
Disco haha
hahaz i forgot about the trip to discovery centre.. well.. we went to discovery centre. dats all. HAHAHAHAH .. on the way i juz listen to music and like going to slip.. wen arrive dere got other skool, and den we all go tour, after tour go to FREE EASY TIME ARH!!!! i go talk little george,a robot, for likke 15 mins.. haha fun leh.. ok den go back i guess dats it..HAHA a small pic of me courtesy of WEI TING.
2moro is last day of SCHOOL YIPPEEE.. todae had an IT lesson on how use dreamweaver go make website.. kao,. its so like.. aiya cant explain.. teacher so fast orh.. hard to understand.. sheesh.. whole day do dat.. den igo eat lunch and den wen home.. PLUS, so shitty.. im losing my frens todae.. k dats all
"No human can live without frens"
Update* Shoutbox reset due to collapse of coding(if you understand) . Previous tags all removed, sorry
Your Mind is PG-13 Rated |
![]() Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy. You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude. |
lolz.. how nice.. Im PG-13 ;)
Hi all.. i juz came back from wad ppl say "dance hell".. we all had to go for dis dance course shit, and den we learn a dance lah.. haiz.. now my leg so dam sore, the teacher sux like shit, kept repeating and repeating until i so tired i stopped doing it.. i mean, so sucky!! waste skool money onli,, and den i met a few primary skool frens on the way back,, ok dats all HAHA bbz
"When life gives you trouble, blame no one but yourself"
Update * hahaz sorry jeannete for spelling your name wrongly!! took me awhile to realise my mistake!! SORRY BOUT DAT :D :P :)
boot.. aargh.. my Tagboard going crazy,,somehow, the flood control format collapse, and den now its taking up alot space, bear with it pls haha.. later i going out , i hope get more $$ mwahaha.. k dats all for now bbz bye
Update * Finally, i figured out the tag board problem, hahaz i put the wrong coding MWAHAHAHA kkz i think my custom coding should hold up for now, if by any chance it might collapse( VERY UNLIKELY!!), tell me straight away!!!
AH SHIT!!!! i lost with kenny twice todae in DM.. oso, arhm... i feeling like so guilty, shes like avoiding like dat and is making SO sad.. haiz.. i wonder what i did wrong.. IM LOSING my frens and im somehow in depression, even after exams.. FREAKING KOCKY!! FUCK YOU LIKE SHIT YOU ASSHOLE!! How DARE YOU FUCKING INSULT MY HERITAGE!!! ONE DAY, IM GOING TO smaCK YOUR FREAKING FACE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! SUCK MY TOE ,ASSHOLE!!!YOU ARROGANT STUPID WASTE OF SPACE!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!! YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Pls understand me, im angry and sad, i have no room for happiness
"Half a loaf of bread is better than no bread"
Ok.. skool was fine, had the leadership course,, wass talking the whole way through.. well not so bad though, ghad fun.. den b4 the course had a skit and wateva... after den got free time at library, i fite wid kenny DM 2 time, one i win one i lose, KOOL I DRAW WITH HIM!!! And. Personally to THE cat : I apologise if i did anything to offend you ok?, i know i was laughing with him but you have to atleast try to understand my situation. He insulted you, yes, i have every reason to hate him. I am trying to avoid him but hes always beside me.. please, forgive me , If you cant do that, then thats ok, for as long as,I, myself, know that i have done wrong and regret it, i can forgive myself.But can YOU forgive me?
"What you have done in the past, and what you do now, will shape your future"
K life is good.. science A1 hist A2.. well atleast diao 2 As.. good enuf huh?? heheheheheheheheheheheheheh..... i very tired, yesterday i went jogging so very tired cannot online.. skool wuz ok la.. KY piss me off agen while Chuan Kui wuz acting all emo, until we all lose patience tell Jub Jub to throw shoe at him... Wen he did, KAO it was emomania.. like dunno wat shit man!! so stoopid the guy, after skool wen to lot 1 wid yan yi, JY and sharon,, *COUGH***** ok.. so we bully them ABIT onli hahaz, wen met with other girls, yan yi separated, den left 3.. go long john silver,, go eat.. i nvr eat so much la.. met a few pri skool frens.. den i went home in the rain.. weeee i had real fun todae.. good arh!!!
"Share your smile with everyone,however,share your LOVE with only One"
(Hahaz.. i coudnt post on Hari Raya... So Selamat Hari Raya To All My Muslim Friends!! Maaf Zahir Dan Batin!!)
ok.. evening.. and the whole house is buzzing with anxiety.. cleaning here and EVERYWHERE.. Hari Raya 2moro,,, well, its gonna be hard.. but i hope our guests will be pleased.. hehes.. Also, i found a rather catchy song on imeem, i juz put it in, its got no lyrics btw... P.S., dun flood and/or spam my tagboard.I have the authority to delete your posts ;)
"Everyday I spend with you is a new best day of my life"
Peom/song, whatever you want to call it,
Hi agen.. sorry.. i lazy to edit, i juz wan new post.. In class, i had nothing to do, then I made a poem/song or whatever, OF COURSE ITS GOT NO QUALITY!! . It juz popped into my head hahaz.
We're 2 different people
We share the same heart,
We'll dance among the flowers...
Hwever we're different you know it don't matter,
As long, as we're,together...
Ouh .. love is a blessing and also a curse,
But we'll still embrace each other..
When we're watching the moon,
It'll get better soon,
And we'll both be enchanted...
Why don't you look at me, look at you,
You can see we're not the same.
But as you know,ouh, as you know
Love has no boundaries...
Let us look at a new perspective,
We'll know it will be positive,
So just stay strong,You'll know where you belong,
And we'll go through it together...
We're two different people
We share the same heart,
We'll dance among the flowers..
However we're different you know it don't matter,
As long as we're together...
So just take my hand,you know we can make it,
through all our many challenges...
(Yarh its so sucky.. haiz.. i need more of these kinds of moments..)
I lazy... got back scripts todae..they suck.. im not going to tell you ppl my marks AT ALL but atleast i pass everything arhys... I got cuaght by miss Lye for the most stupidest of reasons... ok lazy liao.. bbz
"when there is a will, there is a way"
Finally its OVER..
EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!! MWAHAHA!! man, stress is finally over and the next exam is NEXT year. Art wasnt so bad, i think i can pass lah, although its not flying colours arhs.. can still pass.. hahaz..Life is getting better. Although today i forgot to bring mt HMT file to give to teacher and had to chiong home and come back,i still had a good day. How unlucky,i got caught by Mr Kong agen.. THIS TIME THOUGH!..i seriously didnt notice my shirt was out, mayb becuz i was colouring too vigorously, but somehow it was out and i was caught, 2ND TIME!! argh!!However, on the plus side, there were no oral exams for the HMT guys.. MWAHAHAH HEARD DAT!!!!kkz, dats all for now.. im off to play sum games..
"Each individual must know that there is more to life than one's self's pleasures.."
CME And Science were the exam todae, dammit, half of the sec 1s duno WAD THE HECK is cme.. pls lah ppl, its related to your PC lessons.. aiya, if i fail CME how arh??.. Todae oso, i kana caught by mr kong.. shirt out.. 1ST TIME LEH!! TOOT ARHS.. haiz.. and btw, it also does my heart good to see a certain tag in my tagboard.. heheezz ;)2 MORO IS ART!! ART MUST DO WELL!!! ARHS!!!!
"When life gets you down, think of ways to solve the problem, NEVER avoid it"
(Happy birthday FARAH.. have a good teenager life ;)
Its been a rather boring day todae so far.. Though dere are sum new developments. I found Sherry's new blog and juz linked it, visit arh if you got tym, also, This is the "exam weekend".. haiz, i dunno how others view it but to me, its the last enjoyment weekend b4 the exams.. yeah i know, onli TWO more days of exams left, after that. its SWEET SWEET FREEDOM!! MWAHAHA . . Life's been hard, but i'm sure EVERYONE can pull through !! MWAHAHA
"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear to be"
Kkz, todae was maths exam,.. SHIT LARH.. i count my marks.. the freaking highest i can get is A2.. i so many question nvr do sia.. haiz, on a lighter note, i met hER todae agen, lolz, k, now i going to my band blog,(i juz linked it). and, yarh,i do enjoy life..
"Spend your precious time wisely, lest you do not have time for anything"
hi agen
Harlo agen, after the grueling geog and history exam todae, my brain is tired.. but, guess wat?? I am so tired STILL!! hahaz... like heck.. geog was like impossible to do.. but all i can do is hope for a pass.. a A1 is a miracle... HAIIIIZZZZZ ARH!!! History was OK tho.. cuz i fance myself as an historian.. hahaz.. i am old news anywayss hahaz
"Whatever. No Advice For todae.. i nid to come up wif a new one"
noth to do
Goings on..
First and foremost.. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!! HARHAR.. haiz, the mood of de celebration hasnt been nice.. aiya so boring larh childrens' day.. K, THX ANGELA FOR HELPING ME DRAW MY FILE!!! It wuz veri neat.. i liked it :)Also, Ain, please get well soon, i really don like it wen youre sick, It makes me really sad, todae was geog agen, and i fail geog test, dam larh, going fail geog for sure, so crappy de teacher, if you're wondering how she looks like, go Yan Yi's blog, i tink got the pic, HEHEHEHEHEHEHE......ouh ya, and i gots a Nintendo DS fer my birthday,,, kk dats all fer now, OK AINSMI!! GET WELL SOON
"Cherish the things you have now,for you can't have them forever"
Hahaz.. Finally, a new month.. my archives can finally be neat. todae was ok ar.. had the chalet meeting.. I CAN GO!! WOO HOO.. oso,first time i did maths hw, well its ok larh, i try to pick up the pieces of dis year and throw them into the exam fire.. still.. very tiring day, as usual.. geog sucked.. and, as usual, KY piss me off.. and then.. WTF CK go and attak kenny for no darn reason.. then i push him away den he juz walk off act emo den go bang the door heading for the toilet,, i mean.. how emo can someone get?? Aiya.. dats all.. for now...
"Knowledge comes,but Wisdom stays"
Kao.. Hari Raya so far away you know.. but still,my dad wan me help him clean da house, scrub windows,scrub doors,,, CEILING oso MUST scrub leh, i very tired, so unfair, fasting oredy tired den make me tired even more.. aiya, tonite , my sis gonna bring me out fer birthday dinner, so lame.. i dun like birthday dinner, surely eat BORING food like rice or wat.. still, its food.. so i eat larhs.. ok lloh... i lazy type liao .. BBZ FER NOW
"The trips of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope"
What i day.. i can barely type leh... first at skool.. so many stuff. hw done though.
den afternoon dat time i go lot 1 library, nothing to do.. suddenli my fren saw a banner... my prmary skool got carnival thingy. So we go da carnival.. so FUN.. haiz.. k la. i nid rest.. hands are tired.
"When we seek to bring out the best in others,we tend to bring out the best in ourselves"
Dammit.. i DONT BELIEVE IT.. I forgot what the heck happen todae, i remember as much as i can..Morning, kok yeow piss me off by owaes go to kenny's place, he kept talking bout a dam car game he juz got.. PPL HAD THAT GAME FOR 3 YEARS LARH!!LAME SHIT AR THAT SHIT!!den, during lesson, he STILL GOING TO KENNI'S PLACE.. aiya.. Must cool down de le.. fasting.. ok.. im calm now.. den afternoon, My mly teacher late for class, but , you kno arh, no more exam for MT STILL doing these kind of things,then rite, i dunno why, Sherry go and kick me. there was no smile on her face.Until now, i trying to figure out what i did rong to her.If you're reading this Sherry, tell me wuht i did until you needed to bruise my back.Its got blue black now.
Then dismissal, i wen home wid Luqman, pri skool fwen,.. den we met afew TWPS dudes, they wave at him!! nvr wave me.. AIYA,, so troublesome,,. then wen i on bus, i like sliping liddat, den i missed my STOP!!.. aiya so sucky lah todae.. but well, whats done is done and i accept todae,
"Mind Over Matter, Never use your fists to solve problems."
Alrite.. yesterday coudnt get on comp so lets talk bout yesterday.. BORING.. except for the fact i got a cute 'widdle doggie for my BIRTHDAY.YARH DATS RITE IM 13 YOU PPL!!!! Finally after months of waiting i am a teenager.. MWAHAHAHAHA .I mean the wrapping paper wuz so cute, and a few boys and a girl signed it.. Although, it wasnt the best,i still loved it..HAHAZ.. Guess what?? i kana invited join band, aiya no name yet. I being scouted by my own fren leh.. KHAIRYLL!!! aiyo,haiz i said i would join, i jux scared i wont be accepted by the other members, Time to face the music.Literally.
Todae..ENG EXAM!!. I coudnt belive myself after i finished my compo,.. a freaking 3 papers,5 pages and 959 words!!! heck.. i didnt kno writing a compo so syiok write until liddat.. But then during sit. writing i screw up.. i didnt kno wat the heck to write ar.. aiyo.. head pain..Pus after it,Kenny got sick and then me and Jub Jub accompany him go polyclinic, When reach there ar,.. the woman say go 3rd level.. den we climb go third level. Wait half hour liddat i notice the receipt.. IT SAID LEVEL ONE!! then we chiong downstair juz in time for him go in the room.. aiya.. one of these days i SUE THE DAM CLINIC AR!!!
"You try,you fail,you try,you fail.But the onli true failure is when you stop trying"
Update * My playlist consists of both malay and english songs.. juz to let you know :P
After hours of finding an alternative CBox site, i finally found one. Ouh ya, security's pretty tight so you have to type a three-digit code given.. Sorry for the inconvenience caused!! Its the best i could find during this time... Considering the fact that my comp cannot go to the usual CBox site and the coming EOYs. Soz :P
Todae was rather uneventful. As usual i dun understand the Maths teacher at all . So wen ending oredy ar, i took out my fren phone and play till dismissal.Eglish exam is looming and is ever closer, .. haiz.. Onli got 14/20 for maths test, congrats to Gerald for scoring full, . Also, ME BDAE 2MORO!!! *MWAHAHA FEEL MY WRATH AS I BECOME A TEENAGER MWHAHAHA* Lolz
"A Man who is 50,that looks the world how it was wen he was 20,has wasted 30 years of his life"
Update* If you wan to see the video, juz pause the music player, soz for the inconvenience
Hi there.. now is the approaching evening of september 23rd.... Haiz.. making a blog look good is so difficult.. Nvm.. Very uneventful unless you count the fact i kana bite by mosquito... However, i think i am going to stick to dis skin for awhile.. until such time you ppl complain ar.. K my Birthday is in 2 *cough* days!!! Can't wait for it to arrive. Wen it come ar, i full tenager liao MWAHAHAHA..
Juz to add on,Kocky is still unaware of our class joke,and is stupidly happy thinking a girl likes him.So to sum it up .. hes dam stupid
" You do not hear, but you listen. You do not see, but you watch"
Well... no doubt its EOY season.. but still.. there is space for fun.. Last nite i went geylang wif my folks and cousin..HECK YEAH!! bought some HANDFONE STUFF... and then we all eat eat eeat until so full.. Aiya, very tiring lei. Wen i wan to rest they all dun let me rest aiya.. Juz to let you ppl know ar, my blog under construction still from this point of time..Aiya so hard find things.. AIYA. kkz .BBZ
"Life is about decisions.Make the right choices and you will prosper,whilst otherwise you shall fall"
Update* If you wan see the video .. better if you minimize everything on your browser or it may cause SEVERE lag..
Im a dude so dun get me rong
I'm a dude. Blogging does NOT mean im gay.... im juz starting to blog or whatver ... so if anyone got tips on HOW to make my blog BETTER pls do share.....
On the other hand ... well.. relationship problems suck... dont you think?? Well i hate it wen a girl digs into my past.. its really darn irritaing... And then she starts asking this and that... MAN!! ouh ya.. EOY starting so... well... dunno....Mug i guess
"A journey of a thousand miles starts with but a single step"