Hahaz.. im so bored im paying more attention to my phone den the comp.. SHE is msging me rite now.. and like.. im so touched.. wa.. YARH SO TOUCHED,, 2dae very uneventful.. was surfing the net entire day.. onli got one meal todae so, im starving, im gonna eat dinner soon, plus*REALLY IF YOU NID ME TO LINK YOU, JUZ FEEL FREE TO TAG!!!
"Water is precious, so please, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WASTING IT?!?!?!"
Disco haha
hahaz i forgot about the trip to discovery centre.. well.. we went to discovery centre. dats all. HAHAHAHAH .. on the way i juz listen to music and like going to slip.. wen arrive dere got other skool, and den we all go tour, after tour go to FREE EASY TIME ARH!!!! i go talk little george,a robot, for likke 15 mins.. haha fun leh.. ok den go back i guess dats it..HAHA a small pic of me courtesy of WEI TING.
2moro is last day of SCHOOL YIPPEEE.. todae had an IT lesson on how use dreamweaver go make website.. kao,. its so like.. aiya cant explain.. teacher so fast orh.. hard to understand.. sheesh.. whole day do dat.. den igo eat lunch and den wen home.. PLUS, so shitty.. im losing my frens todae.. k dats all
"No human can live without frens"
Update* Shoutbox reset due to collapse of coding(if you understand) . Previous tags all removed, sorry
Your Mind is PG-13 Rated |
![]() Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy. You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude. |
lolz.. how nice.. Im PG-13 ;)
Hi all.. i juz came back from wad ppl say "dance hell".. we all had to go for dis dance course shit, and den we learn a dance lah.. haiz.. now my leg so dam sore, the teacher sux like shit, kept repeating and repeating until i so tired i stopped doing it.. i mean, so sucky!! waste skool money onli,, and den i met a few primary skool frens on the way back,, ok dats all HAHA bbz
"When life gives you trouble, blame no one but yourself"
Update * hahaz sorry jeannete for spelling your name wrongly!! took me awhile to realise my mistake!! SORRY BOUT DAT :D :P :)
boot.. aargh.. my Tagboard going crazy,,somehow, the flood control format collapse, and den now its taking up alot space, bear with it pls haha.. later i going out , i hope get more $$ mwahaha.. k dats all for now bbz bye
Update * Finally, i figured out the tag board problem, hahaz i put the wrong coding MWAHAHAHA kkz i think my custom coding should hold up for now, if by any chance it might collapse( VERY UNLIKELY!!), tell me straight away!!!
AH SHIT!!!! i lost with kenny twice todae in DM.. oso, arhm... i feeling like so guilty, shes like avoiding like dat and is making SO sad.. haiz.. i wonder what i did wrong.. IM LOSING my frens and im somehow in depression, even after exams.. FREAKING KOCKY!! FUCK YOU LIKE SHIT YOU ASSHOLE!! How DARE YOU FUCKING INSULT MY HERITAGE!!! ONE DAY, IM GOING TO smaCK YOUR FREAKING FACE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! SUCK MY TOE ,ASSHOLE!!!YOU ARROGANT STUPID WASTE OF SPACE!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!! YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Pls understand me, im angry and sad, i have no room for happiness
"Half a loaf of bread is better than no bread"
Ok.. skool was fine, had the leadership course,, wass talking the whole way through.. well not so bad though, ghad fun.. den b4 the course had a skit and wateva... after den got free time at library, i fite wid kenny DM 2 time, one i win one i lose, KOOL I DRAW WITH HIM!!! And. Personally to THE cat : I apologise if i did anything to offend you ok?, i know i was laughing with him but you have to atleast try to understand my situation. He insulted you, yes, i have every reason to hate him. I am trying to avoid him but hes always beside me.. please, forgive me , If you cant do that, then thats ok, for as long as,I, myself, know that i have done wrong and regret it, i can forgive myself.But can YOU forgive me?
"What you have done in the past, and what you do now, will shape your future"
K life is good.. science A1 hist A2.. well atleast diao 2 As.. good enuf huh?? heheheheheheheheheheheheheh..... i very tired, yesterday i went jogging so very tired cannot online.. skool wuz ok la.. KY piss me off agen while Chuan Kui wuz acting all emo, until we all lose patience tell Jub Jub to throw shoe at him... Wen he did, KAO it was emomania.. like dunno wat shit man!! so stoopid the guy, after skool wen to lot 1 wid yan yi, JY and sharon,, *COUGH***** ok.. so we bully them ABIT onli hahaz, wen met with other girls, yan yi separated, den left 3.. go long john silver,, go eat.. i nvr eat so much la.. met a few pri skool frens.. den i went home in the rain.. weeee i had real fun todae.. good arh!!!
"Share your smile with everyone,however,share your LOVE with only One"
(Hahaz.. i coudnt post on Hari Raya... So Selamat Hari Raya To All My Muslim Friends!! Maaf Zahir Dan Batin!!)
ok.. evening.. and the whole house is buzzing with anxiety.. cleaning here and EVERYWHERE.. Hari Raya 2moro,,, well, its gonna be hard.. but i hope our guests will be pleased.. hehes.. Also, i found a rather catchy song on imeem, i juz put it in, its got no lyrics btw... P.S., dun flood and/or spam my tagboard.I have the authority to delete your posts ;)
"Everyday I spend with you is a new best day of my life"
Peom/song, whatever you want to call it,
Hi agen.. sorry.. i lazy to edit, i juz wan new post.. In class, i had nothing to do, then I made a poem/song or whatever, OF COURSE ITS GOT NO QUALITY!! . It juz popped into my head hahaz.
We're 2 different people
We share the same heart,
We'll dance among the flowers...
Hwever we're different you know it don't matter,
As long, as we're,together...
Ouh .. love is a blessing and also a curse,
But we'll still embrace each other..
When we're watching the moon,
It'll get better soon,
And we'll both be enchanted...
Why don't you look at me, look at you,
You can see we're not the same.
But as you know,ouh, as you know
Love has no boundaries...
Let us look at a new perspective,
We'll know it will be positive,
So just stay strong,You'll know where you belong,
And we'll go through it together...
We're two different people
We share the same heart,
We'll dance among the flowers..
However we're different you know it don't matter,
As long as we're together...
So just take my hand,you know we can make it,
through all our many challenges...
(Yarh its so sucky.. haiz.. i need more of these kinds of moments..)
I lazy... got back scripts todae..they suck.. im not going to tell you ppl my marks AT ALL but atleast i pass everything arhys... I got cuaght by miss Lye for the most stupidest of reasons... ok lazy liao.. bbz
"when there is a will, there is a way"
Finally its OVER..
EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!! MWAHAHA!! man, stress is finally over and the next exam is NEXT year. Art wasnt so bad, i think i can pass lah, although its not flying colours arhs.. can still pass.. hahaz..Life is getting better. Although today i forgot to bring mt HMT file to give to teacher and had to chiong home and come back,i still had a good day. How unlucky,i got caught by Mr Kong agen.. THIS TIME THOUGH!..i seriously didnt notice my shirt was out, mayb becuz i was colouring too vigorously, but somehow it was out and i was caught, 2ND TIME!! argh!!However, on the plus side, there were no oral exams for the HMT guys.. MWAHAHAH HEARD DAT!!!!kkz, dats all for now.. im off to play sum games..
"Each individual must know that there is more to life than one's self's pleasures.."
CME And Science were the exam todae, dammit, half of the sec 1s duno WAD THE HECK is cme.. pls lah ppl, its related to your PC lessons.. aiya, if i fail CME how arh??.. Todae oso, i kana caught by mr kong.. shirt out.. 1ST TIME LEH!! TOOT ARHS.. haiz.. and btw, it also does my heart good to see a certain tag in my tagboard.. heheezz ;)2 MORO IS ART!! ART MUST DO WELL!!! ARHS!!!!
"When life gets you down, think of ways to solve the problem, NEVER avoid it"
(Happy birthday FARAH.. have a good teenager life ;)
Its been a rather boring day todae so far.. Though dere are sum new developments. I found Sherry's new blog and juz linked it, visit arh if you got tym, also, This is the "exam weekend".. haiz, i dunno how others view it but to me, its the last enjoyment weekend b4 the exams.. yeah i know, onli TWO more days of exams left, after that. its SWEET SWEET FREEDOM!! MWAHAHA . . Life's been hard, but i'm sure EVERYONE can pull through !! MWAHAHA
"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear to be"
Kkz, todae was maths exam,.. SHIT LARH.. i count my marks.. the freaking highest i can get is A2.. i so many question nvr do sia.. haiz, on a lighter note, i met hER todae agen, lolz, k, now i going to my band blog,(i juz linked it). and, yarh,i do enjoy life..
"Spend your precious time wisely, lest you do not have time for anything"
hi agen
Harlo agen, after the grueling geog and history exam todae, my brain is tired.. but, guess wat?? I am so tired STILL!! hahaz... like heck.. geog was like impossible to do.. but all i can do is hope for a pass.. a A1 is a miracle... HAIIIIZZZZZ ARH!!! History was OK tho.. cuz i fance myself as an historian.. hahaz.. i am old news anywayss hahaz
"Whatever. No Advice For todae.. i nid to come up wif a new one"
noth to do
Goings on..
First and foremost.. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!! HARHAR.. haiz, the mood of de celebration hasnt been nice.. aiya so boring larh childrens' day.. K, THX ANGELA FOR HELPING ME DRAW MY FILE!!! It wuz veri neat.. i liked it :)Also, Ain, please get well soon, i really don like it wen youre sick, It makes me really sad, todae was geog agen, and i fail geog test, dam larh, going fail geog for sure, so crappy de teacher, if you're wondering how she looks like, go Yan Yi's blog, i tink got the pic, HEHEHEHEHEHEHE......ouh ya, and i gots a Nintendo DS fer my birthday,,, kk dats all fer now, OK AINSMI!! GET WELL SOON
"Cherish the things you have now,for you can't have them forever"
Hahaz.. Finally, a new month.. my archives can finally be neat. todae was ok ar.. had the chalet meeting.. I CAN GO!! WOO HOO.. oso,first time i did maths hw, well its ok larh, i try to pick up the pieces of dis year and throw them into the exam fire.. still.. very tiring day, as usual.. geog sucked.. and, as usual, KY piss me off.. and then.. WTF CK go and attak kenny for no darn reason.. then i push him away den he juz walk off act emo den go bang the door heading for the toilet,, i mean.. how emo can someone get?? Aiya.. dats all.. for now...
"Knowledge comes,but Wisdom stays"