the other day, something really ticked me off to the point that i actually went to Facebook to air my grudges! the following was typed out in the heat of the moment:
"what is it with people not moving to the back of the bus? i mean, is it a haunted area or a restricted zone of some sort?
two buses bypassed my stop today because it was 'full'. people only stood up till halfway, leaving ample space at the back. i doubt you gotta pay extra just to move to the back right?
so what if you're alighting in one or two stops after, and you don't want to squeeze your way out of the bus? your selfishness in not allowing people to board may ruin the day lf other people;
may cause a person to be late for work, costing his promotion; a student to be late for his exam; a person to miss his flight for a holiday he's planned for months; unable to see a dying relative for one last time;
sure some of these things are exaggerated but hey its perfectly plausible that they can be true.
there are already 5 million of us squeezed onto this tiny island, making rush hour a nightmare for any mode of transport. so i see no point in making the problem worse.
so just please move in to the back of the bus when its full because that little action or lack thereof can make or break someone's day."
so yeah that happened ! :P
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